Historic Theaters of Northwest and Southwest Portland

04/25/2015 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PT




  • $20.00  -  General Public
  • $12.00  -  AHC Members


The final installment of our long-time program series on Portland area neighborhood movie theaters. This chapter concludes with an examination of difficult to find theaters in Northwest Portland as well as a fresh look at some of the southwest movie houses first researched in 2006-07.


Theater historians Steve Stone and Mike Mathews are back – this time to discuss cinemas in Linnton, Nob Hill, Thurman, and other parts of Northwest Portland. This area has proven to be their biggest research challenge so expect some surprise finds and rarely seen photos. They’ll also talk about the smaller theaters of Southwest Portland and Multnomah and maybe some very early downtown nickelodeons. The images and the stories these guys share are a treat and your questions or theater stories are always welcome!


Seating is Limited. Pre-registration recommended.


Click here to register online 





Photo courtesy of Vianne Patterson