Lawrence and Anna Halprin and the Transformation of Portland Public Space
- $12.00 - AHC Member Price
- $20.00 - General Public Price
Lovejoy Fountain, Pettygrove Park, and Keller Fountain are arguably Portland's most influential works of architecture and urban design--both for the world and for our own downtown. Built between 1966 and 1970, their development was an integral part of the South Auditorium Urban Renewal Area. The parks, and the pedestrian malls that connect them, comprise the Halprin Open Space Sequence Historic District which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2013. A pending application may eventually lead to their listing as a National Historic Landmark.
Join journalist and advocate Randy Gragg for an entertaining lecture on how Lawrence Halprin and his choreographer wife Anna Halprin reinvented public space and triggered a revolution that would change downtown Portland forever.
Image courtesy of Portland Archives & Records Center
This lecture program is held at the Architectural Heritage Center - 701 SE Grand Avenue
Parking is on-street (free on Saturdays) or in the parking lot on the west side of Grand Avenue between SE Yamhill and Belmont Streets - just to the north of the Grand Marketplace. Do not use the lot where Dutch Bros. Coffee is located. Thank you to Bolliger and Sons Insurance for sharing their lot with us for our evening and Saturday education programs.