Colonial Heights Neighborhood Tour

06/28/2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT


Walking Tour


  • $25.00  -  General Public
  • $15.00  -  AHC Members


Come discover this under-appreciated but charming southeast Portland neighborhood, which boasts an array of architectural styles - from English Cottage and Colonial Revival to mid-century modern and Northwest Regionalism. Starting with the "Burrell Villa," now known as the Holman Funeral Home, the tour will meander throughout Colonial Heights, highlighting both residential and religious structures as tour-goers learn about the people who developed and lived in this fantastic neighborhood.

On this tour you can expect to see:

- a former residence that once served as a sanitarium where one could take a "milk cure"

- a house designed by one of Portland's first woman architects and built for a prominent woman doctor

- several homes with ties to Portland's Italian immigrant community

- a prominent judge's residence turned into a convent


Space is Limited. Pre-Registration is Required.


Photo: Italian Villa style home in Colonial Heights, Architectural Heritage Center.


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