Downtown's West End Tour

08/20/2025 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT


Walking Tour


  • $25.00  -  General Public
  • $15.00  -  AHC Members



In recent years, the area bounded by West Burnside, 10th Avenue, and I-405 has been revitalized as a popular shopping, dining, and night spot. In many ways the area once again reflects its early 20th century development with several hotels of varying sizes and a variety of commercial buildings. This tour examines a portion of the West End filled with buildings ranging from First Presbyterian Church to the Sentinel Hotel. Along the way, you’ll learn the fascinating social and architectural significance of the neighborhood, while seeing firsthand, the work of important Portland architects, including William C. Knighton, A. E. Doyle, and several others.


Space is limited. Pre-Registration is required.


Photo: McMenamin's Crystal Hotel and Ringler's Annex, by Ona Golanka.


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